Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I got food for christmas

And lots of food at that.

In the past 20 some years that I remember every year I'd go to my grandparents house or an aunt and uncles... the entire family would arrive with their tubaware and crock pots and glass dishes of random foods.

My favorite was always the smashed potatoes and the white meat of the turkey. I'd get a side of corn and mix it into my grey-white mound of gravy covered potatoes creating heaven... pair that with my sandwich of moist turkey and butter on a couple of french bread slices or a butter roll, whichever my arms could reach at the tender young age of --I don't remember, younger than now.

Well... a few months ago I moved to a different city, state, family, zip code and life... depending on your viewing angle.
I went to 2 different homes, and ends of the social entertainment spectrum, over xmas eve and xmas day. Eve was the classy day... You know how it is, use a coaster, take your hat off, you're in the military again.. so eat your peas and prepare for the hurry up and wait of this environment.
The eldest of this box makes 1 of the best cheese cakes I've ever consumed.
TONS of fun.. stuffy, boring.. fun.
Great wine though.

Then there's xmas day... Box number 2. Good times and good humor... and better beer. This is the fun side of the family, and this is also the best food side of the family, as it turns out.
Everything was awesome food... from the cheese covered potatoes to the cauliflower wrapped in melted cheese and the stuffing with the perfectly moist light colored turkey meat... insert nirvana angelic muzak here because that's how my belly felt.
For desert - I love cheese cake... and this family had some cheese that was .... well, soft and creamy. Gross.
If I'm eating a cheesecake, it's gotta be firm and with a comfortable tasty factory manufactured gram cracker crust.

Other than food, I recv'd a book that I've been wanting to read... and a movie (see "The Big Libowsky") to boot. Good christmas!!

Other than that... I didn't play pool. Haven't played since Sunday... 10 days ago. Damnit. Feels like a lifetime.. But did give input on a new name for our league team.
Final results are pending.